Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Immediate need - Haiti

I just received a phone call from John Williams, photographer & owner of Abilena here in New Bern – he & his mother will be heading to Haiti next week to help rebuild a school. He has been asked to bring shoes for the children (any shoes) but used crocks or off brand crocks in particular.
Please look through your closets & bring what you have to Kincaid Family Dentistry by noon this Friday!!!!!

We will continue collecting shoes for the next month or so & send down boxes as we fill them up. Thank you in advance for putting this on the top of your priority!!! Please feel free to forward this e-mail on …. If you’re like me, you’ve been wanting to do something for the people of Haiti & this is one small way we can make a difference.
Warm regards,

Office Phone: 252.636.2628   Business Website: www.theasideas.com

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