Saturday, November 21, 2009

Hey B

Hey B - haven't forgotten about blogging- no pooter in the mtns! My cell service comes & goes. T
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Thursday, November 19, 2009

Slowly but surely

Okay - I think I'm getting it !!!!!

Can holder47.jpg

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Business after hours coming up

Madison & Thea at a ballgame.

New Bern can holder

Available at Mitchell Hardware

Heading to office

Thanks Bruce & Bobby ! You guys are so patient & I really appreciate it.
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Get More From Your Customers!

In a recent study, 76% of senior marketers said they were not maximizing the revenue potential of their current customers. Since gaining a new customer is significantly more expensive than selling to an existing one, these companies are missing out on a very cost-effective source of business. Here are some easy ways to
get more from your current client base:

• Make it personal. Take the time to listen to your customers,
and then use that information to anticipate their needs. This
personal attention will make you stand out from the competition.

• Ask how you’re doing. Soliciting feedback has two benefits:
your customers will feel valued, and you will gain important input.
Show your appreciation with a memorable gift such as a tape measure
(to thank them for telling you how your company “measures up”) or
a magnifying glass (to thank them for their insight).

• Say thanks. Reward your loyal customers with preferred rates,
discounts or exclusive coupons, and occasionally surprise them
with a thank-you gift. Great gift ideas include a photo frame,
flash drive or wireless mouse.

• Stay in touch. Phone calls, e-mails, newsletters and handwritten
notes are all great ways to stay top of mind with your customers.
Include something useful, such as an article about their industry
or contact information for a new lead.

The extra effort you put into selling to your current customers
can have huge dividends, and we can help you come up with some
great ways to reach them. Just call us for details today!


Working with Bruce!
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